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Alternative fuel and waste incineration plants

Our service for waste incinerators and alternative fuel power plants

Sustainable maintenance and modernization

Today, thermal waste treatment is a crucial component of our waste management concept. It is therefore all the more important that the waste incineration plants are technically faultless and that they comply with the prescribed safety standard at all times. This is only guaranteed through compliance to the required maintenance and inspections as well as with regular servicing work. We have experienced maintenance personnel both for long-term scheduled revisions and for short-notice repairs. Our assembly teams take care of tasks in almost all sections of the plant, from feeding through grate firing to deashing/deslaging and flue gas cleaning.


The perfect combination of all services sets us apart from the competition and qualifies us for almost every job on site.

As your competent partner, we offer you, among others, assembly, conversion, maintenance and repair of the following plant components:


  • waste feed hoppers
  • box feeders
  • loading ducts


  • combustion and push grates
  • blower including piping and ducts
  • suction devices
  • rotary kilns

deashing / deslagging

  • ashhopper including wear lining
  • conveyor systems such as screws, belt conveyors etc.
  • slide desludgers, wet deslaggers

Flue gas cleaning

  • electrostatic precipitators
  • fabric filters
  • spray dryers
  • washers

Residual waste - conveying

  • Conveyors such as rotary valves, chain conveyors, etc.
  • Big-Pack-systems & container systems

Qualified staff

  • supervisors
  • fitters / senior fitters
  • welders
  • locksmiths
  • electrician

Further services - delivery & installation of:

  • steel construction
  • piping
  • conveyor systems
  • silos
  • dosing systems
  • spare parts according to in-house or outside construction