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Service Products

Customized solutions for your individual needs

Comprehensive service and repair service

If required, ask for tailor-made services - at your plant or in our workshop. These services usually concern individual tasks that help to enhance your plant with regard to manufacturing quality, efficiency or capacity performance. Frequently recurring services have been combined to customized service products. These are designed to solve such individual tasks and ensure the maximum productivity of your plant throughout the entire plant life-cycle.

Our Service Products

  • SAG and tube mills
    Precise manufacturing for highest demands
  • Crane runway
    Engineering, manufacturing and installation of crane runways, crane girders and columns
  • Grinding of tyre surfaces
    tube mills, rotary kilns and drums
  • Electrostatic precipitators
    Inspection and optimization of electrostatic precipitators
  • Lime plants
    Engineering, manufacturing and installation of plant components
  • Waste incineration plants
    Inspection and maintenance of waste incíneration plants
  • Repair service
    Rapid repair of plant components
  • Machine diagnostics
    Measurement of vibrations, imbalances, bearing noise and alignment of machine parts
  • Rotary kiln sections
  • Production and Assembly of kiln and tire sections
  • HO Washers & nonut(R) TDBL Fasterners

More than 50 years of experience

We are an internationally-operating company and with more than 50 years of experience the right partner wherever maintenance work, modifications, upgrades, assembly and disassembly are to be performed in a professional manner.

Our competent 24/7 service supports you quickly and comprehensively!

You have a permanent contact person - so we can guarantee you a more intensive consultation and project support. Our highest maxim is to cooperate with you in order to always attain the optimum.


> Service Product leaflet download