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Dedusting technology

Your dedusting system - always "up to date"!

For a clean environment

Modernization, optimization, efficiency improvement, inspection, maintenance and repair

Increasing environmental regulations and the further development of technology require intensive maintenance and optimization of dedusting systems. We offer you many years of experience in the field of maintenance and optimization of e-filter systems from various manufacturers.

Through the planning, production and assembly from a single source, we have developed into a full-service provider. Thanks to our own manufacturing capabilities, we are manufacturer-independent regarding spare parts and wear materials. Our 24/7 service enables very swift reaction times in case of repair.

As your competent partner we offer the following services:

  • inspection of existing electrostatic filter systems including documentation and recommendation of measures to be performed
  • flow optimization through mechanical installations taking into account the measurement results
  • maintenance (servicing & repair) at existing plants
  • retrofit (conversion & optimization) of e-filters to comply with the statutory emission limit values
  • optimization of high-voltage technology incl. digital control
  • maintenance of the dust transport systems
  • production and installation of incoming and outgoing gas pipes/ducts, as well as the entire steel and sheet metal construction
  • delivery of spare and wear parts